Your Baby's Biome A Parents Guide

A Parents Guide to Giving Baby the Best Bacterial Start

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Did you know that your body has in it and on it a hundred trillion microorganisms?

It sounds a little gross but actually it's amazing and helps you stay happy and healthy; we live in a bacterial world and our bodies have learned to live the trillions of bacteria we come into contact with every second of every day by 'hosting' some of it!

In fact the bacteria in your gut plays a crucial role in breaking down food, converting it to energy, regulating signals (such as hunger) and affecting our mood. Having the right bacteria in your body and especially in your gut, can help protect against obesity, cancers, diabetes, allergies, mental health disorders and much more.

So what has this got to do with my baby?

Well, before they are born babies are exposed to a little but not much bacteria. At birth a very important process takes place to 'seed' the baby's body and especially gut with the right bacteria. This has potentially life long benefits to baby IF the right bacteria gets passed onto baby at the right time and this might not happen if baby has for example a caesarean birth.

In this workshop you will learn about the;

  • What the microbiome is and how it helps human health and well-being
  • Microbiome in pregnancy and how to make sure that the right bacteria gets passed on
  • Seeding the microbiome during birth
  • What happens if baby needs to be born by caesarean and how you can assist the seeding process
  • What difference feeding makes
  • What if you need antibiotics in pregnancy or birth
  • Helping the microbiome in infancy

Bridget has been teaching parents at a major maternity unit in the UK for 14 years and teaching for a national parenting charity for 15. She runs workshops for health professionals on the microbiome. birth and baby brain development.

In easy to follow tutorials and videos she will help you understand this amazing area of science and give baby the best start

Your Instructor

Bridget Supple
Bridget Supple

Bridget Supple is an award winning antenatal educator working at a major UK maternity unit and for Britain’s largest parenting charity (NCT).

Bridget has been an antenatal teacher with the NHS and NCT for over 15 years. Since 2004 she has been a key part the parent Education Team at Birmingham Women’s Hospital, heading up the team for a number of years and reaching and transforming the experience of thousands of women and their partners.

As well as teaching at the hospital Bridget teaches locally for the NCT, as well as for TAMBA (Twins and Multiple Birth Association).

Bridget has taught in Children's Centre’s as part of an Outreach program targeting groups less likely to attend standard classes. More recently she has been running sessions for Children’s Centre staff on the microbiome and baby brain development

She runs the Facebook page “Your Baby's Biome” @BabysMicrobiome a source for health professionals and parents alike to keep up to date with the latest science and understanding of giving baby the best microbial start. Working with the makers of the film “Microbirth”, Bridget has one day workshops on the science behind seeding a baby’s microbiome at and around birth and offers the Your Baby's Biome workshops for either birth workers of parents.

Bridget has published articles in a variety of midwifery and education journals. She also writes the 'News' section of the International Journal of Birth and Parent Education.

She lives in Shropshire with husband David, their four children, a cat and two very microbiome boosting labradors!

Course Curriculum

  What is the Microbiome?
Available in days
days after you enroll
  The Microbiome in Pregnancy
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Feeding baby
Available in days
days after you enroll
  After the birth
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Summary and Close
Available in days
days after you enroll

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?
The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.
How long do I have access to the course?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.

Your Baby's Biome A Parents Guide

A Parents Guide to Giving Baby the Best Bacterial Start

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